
A Reply to Power Line's Paul Mirengoff on Geert Wilders

spudly7/17/2009 2:10:12 pm PDT

re: #139 LudwigVanQuixote

That’s why I carefully said that you can believe what you want, but if you act or threaten to act in a way that would be a secular crime, you are not protected.

No, I saw that. I suppose the question is when you take the threat seriously.

Ie; some guy preaches “kill gays” for decades, then a church member does so one day. Can he say, “look, I’ve said this to thousands of people over many years, and only ONE gay person has been killed, it’s not “commonly held” by my congregation, or you’d have seen many more murders!”

Is preaching violence “threatening to act,” in other words? In the US, clearly not, or clearly not illegal. None the less, if you bang the hate into people long enough, someone is liable to act on it at some point.

Just throwing that out there. :)