
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/06/2010 6:47:52 pm PDT

re: #125 researchok

How do you plan to compete with software based QA programs?

Seems to me that is big competition.

Well, some of the guys I know are experts at automated test, so for pure software stuff we can do automated test as well as free testing. I’m not sure exactly what you mean by software-based QA programs.

But my background over the past four years is in actual physical stuff— interactive children’s toys. So, software-mediated physical objects— toys, vending machines, automatic photo booths, cash registers, the like. For those, you can only automate so far— you can do wear and tear and the like, but for ‘how will humans interact with this in ways that might be problematic’ you need actual people. I find that stuff more interesting, and there’s a definite need for it.

Probably easier to start with pure software. Don’t have to have a physical location yet, for one thing.