
Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/07/2011 7:24:25 pm PST

re: #133 rwmofo

I agree with all that except I’d tweak your characterization “issues like immigration” to “issues like illegal immigration.” I won’t sign up to the notion that no one has to follow the rules to get in. Most people who want to come here have good intentions, but letting anyone and everyone in without signing the guest-book is just asking for trouble. Is this an easy problem to sort out? No. But if you think we shouldn’t have rules, then go prop your front door open, then head to Hawaii for that long vacation you’ve been planning. Your house will be OK when you get back. Trust us.

Well if you agree that most people who come here have good intentions then you probably would agree that we should make it easier to immigrate legally. Most of the anti illegal immigration people I encounter don’t want to hear that. Plus, I really resent the way many of them feel the need to badmouth Latinos and their language. There was one elected official and I am not saying this guy speaks for everyone but he said some crap like “Americans hate hearing the Spanish language.” Plus, the rise to support of people like that woman in Arizona who is on trial for murdering a nine year old girl is sick.