
Midday Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/18/2010 7:56:16 pm PDT

As one could tell by the links I’ve posted on this marathon thread I’ve turned most of my attention to the “culture wars” problem in our society.

Mostly I’m thinking of religion and science.

However it’s more than that, as also commented by others here over the recent past, the ultra-right, true conservative, fundamentalist libertarian alliance/concert seem to be circling the wagons, so to speak.

Today the MoonieTimes ran an opinion piece: Impeach the president? (which is about the health care bill struggles) that has the wingnuts salivating all over the place, including freeperville of course.

The author of that piece doesn’t explain how one impeaches a President for the actions of Congress, but I guess that would be expecting too much from them.

Anyway, over on freeperville the inmates are going crazy, and one of the long-time inmates wrote a screed that headlined a thread titled: “I’m Ready to Purge All Liberals from my Life (vanity) by TruthHound ” in which the rabid writes that he is going to cut off family members, etc. Further he writes:

I’m drawing a line. You’re on my side or theirs. No more co-existence.

That is the writing of an emotionally (not just intellectually) challenged person.

The wingnuts really are going into cult mode, withdrawing into their own world. Outside data can’t get in.

Outside supervision will not be allowed in. It’s sociopathy is that of a religious zealot blinded by rage.

And its infected too much of our political system and decision making processes, IMO, to avoid detrimental effects.