
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

Walter L. Newton10/08/2009 4:49:50 pm PDT

re: #121 SixDegrees

And interestingly, the overlap between these anti-vaxers and the anti-abortion crowd is non-negligible. On the right, the opposition to vaccines is grounded in a distrust of all science as an afront to religion - see, once again, the Wedge Document for details.

And once they start piling children’s bodies up in the streets because their parents decided God didn’t want ‘em vaccinated, do you think they’ll accept responsibility for their murders?

I’m finding the anti-vaxers on the left too. I was amazed this past Sunday, searching for any sort of talk radio on the way to my theatre, so much sports on, and I got Ring of Fire, with Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio, and Kennedy was saying be careful with the flu vaccine and Mike Papantonio was just outright saying don’t take it.