
Pelosi Accuses CIA of Lying to Her About Waterboarding

formercorpsman5/14/2009 9:53:28 am PDT

re: #103 redstateredneck

You, me, and everyone else would love that.

Sadly, Joe Citizen has been driven out of her district.

Not to be a downer, I am not all that excited about the prospects of the mid-term elections.

At first, I was rather ambivalent to the folks pushing ID, etc. I have said before, I am live and let live. The major problem with the direction of the RNC, is that while you can have these opinions, having them be the battle cry for the next campaign is bullshit.

We have a Presidency, Senate, Congress, and soon to be Supreme Court controlled by left leaning ideologues.

The rate we are placing ourselves in debt in the country can produce almost as much damage as any terror attack.

We are on track to give birth to multiple socialist programs, never to be revised, and in the future when we are told they did not work because they were never funded properly, the wheels just might come off.