
Catholic Child Abuse Scandal in Ireland Gets Worse

144 1:02:03 pm PST

re: #143 Gang of One

Would Rome, has Rome, ever excommunicated anyone guilty of such heinous behavior? Does Rome even excommunicate anymore? Do Catholics fear excommunication as they did in the past?
Honest question, friends.

It’s my understanding that one can be excommunicated for certain things.

The thing is - excommunication sort of negates the Church’s position on “forgiveness’. Rome’s mistake was thinking that people would change and that those who asked for and received forgiveness for these incidents would “go and sin no more”. NOT SO.

Complete and utter failure of the Church heirarchy to fully understand the nature of pedophilia, the permanent damage done to victims, or to understand the full heinous extent of these actions. No excuse for that - there have been too many studies and too much information about this for the Church hierarchy to be in the dark about it. Either they knew and didn’t believe how awful these sorts of crimes are, or they didn’t know because they didn’t care to find out. Inexcusable, either way.