
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel12/26/2009 6:03:25 am PST

re: #141 The Sanity Inspector

Notice that only the Israeli news source attempts to provide any context. The others just portray the IDF as hatey-hating killbots, as usual.

Do you think the US MSM always does that about the IDF in particular?
I thought only the jpost link (as usual) gave the real context and background, and I have to say that I think the MSM sucks in general when reporting ‘foreign’ news, especially when reporting on sectarian conflict. They fuck it up when reporting on Israel, yes, but they also always did when reporting on Ireland too.
Some of this is about the MSM just sucking in general— sloppy reporting geared towards the lowest common denominator in understanding, so soundbites and 45 seconds tops for any story are the preferred standards.