
Virginia Governor McDonnell and the Neo-Confederates

144 11:01:28 am PDT

re: #135 ludwigvanquixote

Well the Civil war stuff is a totally different breed then the Rennfest types.

The Rennfest, with the exception of a few lost souls are people who ike to pretend they are people from high fantasy for a day and mostly drink, shop and hang out as a social thing.

The Civil war re-enactor types have much more of a lifestyle to it.

Also, at the Rennfest their are girls, in bodices with flowy skirts. It is important to not discount the heaving bosoms aspectr ;)


I got seriously smacked the other day for implying that ALL of somebody did something, and now … some folks seem to be smacking me for agreeing that ALL those who take part in civil war reenactments have some sort of sinister something going on their heads.

Sheesh -

i got errands to run.