
The Door Opens

JoyousMN11/11/2009 8:13:19 pm PST

re: #132 caliphibian

Thanks for the thought. We’re OK right now. As long as you keep continuous coverage you can’t get tossed into the private market where you can be denied for a pre-exisiting condition. We managed to keep up with our Cobra payments for six months, then went on MinnesotaCare (for low-income families) for two months, then I transfered to my current employer.

But the really crappy thing is that at our small company the only people on the insurance plan are the owner and her family and me and my family. To insure us 8 people is about $35,000 per year. I pay $700 per month, my company pays the other half. Every year for the past three years insurance costs have gone up 20%. So I pay out 10% and they pay the other 10%, which means pay raises have been non-existent.