
Van Jones: I Am Not a Truther

~Fianna9/04/2009 12:44:49 am PDT

re: #1095 Wendya

Hypothetical situations or potential responses to future situations?

If A happens, we can do B and C. We believe it would be legal and allowable under the constitution.

Sounds like they put a lot of research into their “hypotheticals”.

That’s how research works. Are insurance actuaries plotting mass murder or wishfully hoping for a catastrophe when they develop payment schedules and projections and statistical summaries of hypothetical disasters?

What about the people at the CDC who imagine the damage caused by a hypothetical patient zero getting on a plane in New York with a contagious deadly disease?

Or all the IT professionals who spend a lot of time worried about fires, floods and terrorist attacks (among other things) that can impact business and come up with situations. For example, I’m working on or DR plan, and my worst-case scenario is 50% of senior staff is dead or incapacitated (one of those situations includes killing myself off… it was creepy to think about).

that’s how academia works. that’s how a lot of fields work. What could happen and what could we do?