
Video: Questions About America's Role in a Palestinian State

Kenneth1/28/2009 10:02:45 am PST

re: #109 yma o hyd

I was not joking with my questions. Which is not to say I agree with the naive assumptions from which the questions spring. It seems to me the whole rotten edifice of the Western diplomatic approach to “solving” the “Palestinian problem” is based upon historical ignorance, falsehoods and a naivety bordering on self-delusion. And that’s only the nice people. There are also a good number of liberals & leftists in the west who are covertly or even overtly anti-Israel Jew-haters. Period. They cloak their bigotry under a cover of support for oppressed peoples and progressive international ideals.

I believe some of the first group, the naive, would be shocked & disillusioned to see Palestinian terrorism continue after the creation of a Palestinian state under a 2 State Solution. I am certain the second group would continue to support terrorism against Israel,