
Tea Party Organizer: 'No Place' for Racist Behavior

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))5/03/2010 1:57:52 pm PDT

re: #138 Walter L. Newton

You are comparing apples to oranges. From the most honestly concerned people I know to the most racist people I know, both who want immigration control, I have not ONCE heard any complaints about the cost that may be incurred to maintain these control.

Nor have I heard any of the people suggesting that government is too big in regards to boarder and immigration control.

Border control, a strong military, a well-oil police force, these are areas that big government works best, and I rarely hear anyone complaining about those costs.

You are setting up a strawman that doesn’t exist.

Why was it that even Bush could not find a consesus within his own party? But I think it is more the vested interests, those who employ and exploit illegal immigrant labor, those who traffic in illegals and the drug cartels that have this issue deadlocked.