
Strange Tales #143, March 1966

Dark_Falcon10/23/2010 4:15:50 pm PDT

re: #142 ozbloke

Is it possible that the government lied about civilian deaths in Iraq because of the fear their own populace would turn against their war?

Does it bother anyone that we see support for the government lying to its own people on this issue?

Is this the sort of freedoms people want other countries to follow, I for one want my government to be transparent on things that the people have a right to know.

This specific issue I believe the people had a right to know.

I bet you would too if if was your relatives that had died.

It reminds me of those who would lie about the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust.

To answer your question: No. I’m OK with being lied to if the lies were needed to win and we then won. It’s a war: It’s better to be dishonest winner of a war than an honest loser.