
Which One of These Anti-Semitic Cartoons Is Not Like the Others

CuriousLurker1/29/2013 9:49:47 am PST

I have to say that Buck is one of the most intellectually dishonest people I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across.

His (personal) definition of antisemitism is so broad that it could easily include billions of people. He will blindly defend Israel and any person or organization that he deems pro-Israel no matter what the cost, up to and including the destruction of his own personal integrity on the matter.

CAMERA is a pro-Israel advocacy group, therefore Buck will defend them even though they use such sources as the Gatestone Institute, which publishes extremely biased articles by people who are known for their virulent anti-Muslim hatred & bigotry, such as Geert Wilders, Fjordman, Bat Ye’or, etc.

He uses the excuse that there are Muslims who write for Gatestone, as if their willingness to be associated with the above mentioned anti-Muslim bigots doesn’t reflect poorly on their integrity as “impartial” journalists. In some cases, such as with M. Zuhdi Jasser, those Muslims are known to be in league with people & organizations on the far-right who are actively engaged in activities designed to harm fellow Muslims through fear mongering campaigns that are eerily reminiscent of those used against Jews in the past.

Of course, if the same excuse was applied to Jews who associate with antisemites, Buck would never in a million years accept it, and rightfully so, which makes his double standard all the more immoral & loathsome.

In the past I’ve tried to find something to like about Buck—maybe he’s a wonderful father, a loyal friend…maybe one day he’ll talk to one of us as if he actually considers that person to be an intelligent human being whose opinions are valid—but, alas, in 3 years I’ve never seen it happen, and I’m now convinced it never will. He’ll continue to treat anyone who disagrees with him not as a sentient person of value, but rather as a faceless, ill-intentioned opponent to be defeated using smears, innuendo, confusion, or any number of the other tricks he pulls out of his bag, until the person walks away in exhaustion or irritated disgust.

Nothing Buck has ever said has made me see Israel in a more positive light. NOTHING. EVER. I distrust him 150%. It is others who have helped me learn by being open, kind, respectful and answering my questions honestly & thoroughly. Those people have my thanks & mutual respect.

I guess I’m done with this thread now. *sigh*