
Overnight Open Thread

redc1c44/28/2009 1:24:29 am PDT

re: #147 Slumbering Behemoth

Whether or not it was his idea (I’ll doubt that until I see proof otherwise*), or the idea of an “underling”, will be secondary. He will come out smelling like roses by admonishing or punishing whichever person is deemed responsible. This will be last week’s news by next week.

*Sorry, after a minor bout of CDS in the early ’90s, and seeing the last eight years of BDS, I am not ready to jump on every “Blame Obama For It All” trend. Catch his arse where he screws the pooch, but let’s stick to facts, proof, and reason.

whatever happened to “The Buck Stops Here.”? he’s in charge, he won, he gets the bad with the good, and if he wants any slack, he can stop being an arrogant leftist asshole.’

until then, screw him.