
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Charles Johnson12/23/2009 12:45:55 pm PST

Hot Airheads are calling for a Christmas ornament revolution:

I am waaaaaay past tired of this Il Duce wannabe pissing on EVERYTHING American.

FUCK Obama.

At the moment I do NOT have a President.

2010 we need to take back the country through the ballot box…otherwise in 2011 we just need to take back the country.

Justrand on December 22, 2009 at 10:37 PM


They knew. Now we know. And there is the rub because we can’t seem to do anything about it.

But I have hope that because they seem wired to keep doing this crap that they will very soon do something that is impeachable, that not even the Dems can ignore. And the Dems are pretty upset with them right now- ripe ground.

Keep pushing Obama. I hope to see you in an orange jumpsuit and leggings by Christmas 2010.

journeyintothewhirlwind on December 22, 2009 at 10:58 PM

The Hot Air thread for this is gloriously deranged. “Hitler was a Darwinist.”