
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne2/19/2010 4:06:38 am PST

One last story and then I need to take off for work:

‘I never said I didn’t want my baby’: Mom won’t be prosecuted

A pregnant Burlington woman said this week she was falsely accused by police of trying to kill her fetus after she confided under duress to hospital emergency workers that she wanted to end her pregnancy.

Christine Taylor, 22, a mother of two, says she believes the personal views of medical workers and police played a part in a decision to accuse her last month of attempted feticide after a Jan. 19 incident in which she fell down the stairs at her home.

Feticide — the illegal death of a fetus — is a rare crime that has never been prosecuted in Iowa.

After reviewing facts of the case for three weeks, Des Moines County prosecutors have decided not to formally charge Taylor with a crime.

I guess the lesson is, If you’re pregnant don’t fall down the stairs in Iowa.