
Overnight Open Thread

albusteve8/08/2009 2:21:46 am PDT

re: #144 Soona’

You don’t listen to him, do you? Because if you did, you’d know that he derides the Repub. party leaders as much as the democrats. And, yes, he is making a lot of money. Are you bitter about that? He puts himself up as a shining example of how the free market works, if one is willing to work hard enough. Sad to say, most people just want to sit around and bitch about individuals who become skilled and successful at something they’ve dedicated their lives in doing.

I pay little attention to the MSM…just enough to remind myself how repulsive and destructive the lot of them are…people that watch that shit are helping turn American political dialog into a laughingstock soap opera…do what you want, it’s none of my business