
Palin Staying in Politics

soxfan4life7/12/2009 11:17:39 am PDT

re: #143 alegrias

* * * * *
Joe Biden from a two-bit state has been “schooling” himself in DC for over 3 decades. Biden never had a state to govern, Biden never met a budget, Biden never ran a lemonade stand.

Biden is supposedly “expert” on foreign affairs after 35 years in DC.
Are you impressed by that gas bag Biden’s “experience”?

I am NOT impressed by strutting gas bags who pretend to have experience in foreign affairs, when their IDEOLOGY is appeasement & blaming America first.

Palin is free of the contagion of leftist appeasenik ideology & reflexive hatred of America.

How’s that 3 state solution in Iraq working out for Joe? Foreign policy expert my ass.