
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

Renaissance_Man5/11/2020 9:12:12 pm PDT

re: #151 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

a) much like gun violence
b) and the GOP will treat it the same way: Now is not the time to talk about the issue or politicise it.

All of America will, to be honest. The losses really are just too large, too difficult to comprehend. It impacts my daily professional life and I can’t even really process 80,000 dead in two months.

There are not that many people in the US who have lived through truly massive loss of life. I am pressed to think of many examples since WWII - the Khmer Rouge, Idi Amin, and Rwanda come to mind, but there aren’t that many Americans that have had things like this happen around them. Americans accept staggering amounts of gun violence and death, and this appears no different.

America’s aristocrats are counting on this. They’re counting on people simply not caring about their neighbours. They’re counting on people not caring that others die to get them a haircut or their chicken nuggets. They’re counting on people not caring enough to question that the nation somehow goes from two thousand deaths a day to basically none within a week or two, and not caring if they just stop reporting deaths. That’s one of the main purposes of US media, to give people any flimsy excuse not to care.