
Overnight Open Thread

sattv4u24/28/2010 6:34:12 am PDT

re: #156 iceweasel

For the same reason my health care helps to cover your respiratory illness or tonsilectomy, even though I’ve had my tonsils out.

Similarly, I have to bear the cost of prostate exams even though I’m female, and you have to bear the cost of pap smears.
And you and your wife also have to bear the cost of childbirth for others, C-sections, and birth control, even though you personally won’t be using those services.

Thats my point. The hue and cry is over the cost of health care. I don;’t want/need your policy to cover my prostate exam, nor do I want to pay for your pap smear. Take out all those and all our prices go down (and yes, I understand the “pool” concept of insurance, but there are more than enough males in the pool to cover the prostate exams etc)