
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

sliv_the_eli9/21/2010 3:29:20 pm PDT

re: #156 Obdicut

“When GOP members are willing to break ranks”

I think that is where we part ways on the issue. I don’t view the Repubs as a monolithic entity; hell, just look at the infighting between RINO’s and Tea Partiers. When the Dems truly want to get something passed, they are able to get enough Repubs — or, as the wingnuts woudl say, RINO’s — to join them to get it passed.

Oh, and I don’t think it’s accurate to say I don’t give a whit what you say. We may disagree, but I care. If I did not , you would not exist and I would not “converse” with you on this board. Brooklyn rules.