
Video: UN Stunned by British Colonel's Speech

mr.JA10/20/2009 4:16:43 pm PDT

re: #149 Jimash

If you point is that the earth has been relatively hot and very cold before then you’re theoretically right.
What irritated me in your post was the message it transpired, namely: “It has always fluctuated so it’ll be ok”
It will not. We would like to live as Homo sapiens here on the planet, and a dramatically hotter planet (or a significantly cooler one, for that matter) would be bad news for us.
Sure, the planet will keep spinning around the sun and doing its thing, it is about the consequences to us, here and now, that worry me.
‘It has always fluctuated and we’ve had hotter times before’ is an incredibly dangerous statement to make, especially to an informed publicum.

If we really get a significant rise in sea levels then we have some serious issues - at least, my country (The Netherlands) does. I’m worried about global warming, and would like many people to understand what the consequences are. LudwigVanQuixote’s post is excellent and I’ll remember it- well written (+point will come if I have the 50 posts…).