
Overnight Open Thread

Salamantis2/20/2009 12:43:25 am PST

re: #143 slokat

Science is a human construct, and is limited to human definition…

Things seem to exist, even if we don’t/can’t/haven’t perceived them, measured them, or defined them.

…even also, if we have.

Besides, I was just turning an old, worn out quote onto it’s ear.

Science is a method by which humans systematically interrogate the empirical universe. This universe exists independently of our perception of it, and our perception of it can never encompass it in its totality. But what we can say about it is that its intrinsic existence (universe-in-itself) must noncontradictorally contain, as a component or aspect, its capacity to be perceived by us as we perceive it (universe-for-us).

And the quote dates from 1975, so it is only 34 years old. If you think that all quotes that old or older are worn out, that doesn’t leave you with most of what’s quotable.