
Seven Windmills

163 8:13:12 pm PDT

re: #152 Cato the Elder

That quote reads like it was lifted straight from Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, only now we feed ourselves slightly better meat and save that shite for out “pets”.

Thank God, Haku has allergies, so I have to feed him “special” food. Still, I’m none to eager to know exactly what goes into it, either.

And for all those who constantly say how there are legal immigrants or native-born Americans waiting to queue up for the dirty jobs, find me ten anywhere in the country who will run those Bobcats for what the “illegals” are getting paid.

If that place is truly being run the way described, it needs to be reported to any one (or all) of the agencies that regulate pet food production.

The person who wrote that article seems to care about pets; surely that caring extends to reporting these conditions when he finds them.