
Bad Lip Reading Remixes the Avengers: "REDNECK AVENGERS: TULSA NIGHTS"

Ziggy_TARDIS5/24/2015 8:31:55 pm PDT

re: #153 Targetpractice

I saw it as a love triangle.

I do want to note that Doctor Who changed with the 8th Doctor. Since then romance is prominent in the show.

The 8th Doctor has a huge number of Audioplays. And he had more than a few romantic relationships with companions. In addition, stories about Time Travel, in the ways that the Time Travel is the plot, rather than driving it.

This is why I call the 8th Doctor the first NuWho Doctor. An emphasis on time travel and it’s impacts, plus romantic subplots.

And yes, Clara is my favorite companion. It was the Name of the Doctor that pulled me out of a depression. As long as Moffat does pull some George Martin or Davies BS on characterization of anyone, I will be fine.