
Video: UN Stunned by British Colonel's Speech

Bagua10/20/2009 4:36:39 pm PDT

re: #165 LudwigVanQuixote

Except that everything I wrote in that post is a verified fact. And yes we are certain of the facts.

If you would point to a specific thing you wish to quibble at perhaps I could explain why it was a correct statement - and BTW it is, we are certain about those mechanisms and we are certain that if left unchecked they lead to a disaster, it would be better.

However, you smugly cast doubt where there is none. It is a common denier tactic, and you should be sensitive enough to that reality to be more careful yourself in you false aspersions.

Again, I was very clear in stating that All of what you said is accurate except for the bit about “certain.” Some of it is indisputable, some highly likely, some somewhat likely, some probable and some only suspected.

Nothing was wrong or in dispute except the conclusion of “certainly” which in general misstates the science.