
Connecting Some Dots

Josephine2/25/2009 7:27:42 pm PST

re: #163 Sharmuta

Sharmuta, you are jumping to conclusions about me and making sweeping, emotion-based statements.

Medaura lost credibility with me long before the Spencer thing came to a head. I am not biased against anyone’s skepticism and I reserve the right to maintain my own skepticism.

Just because I disagree with Charles about this particular issue does not mean that I don’t respect him, his viewpoints or his work: it just means I disagree with him on this particular issue. I don’t agree with my husband on every issue.

Neither Charles nor Robert is a personal friend of mine. Saying “enjoy your new friends” is meaningless. It’s like flouncing away from me when I’ve said something in a conversation that you don’t like. I’d much rather maintain my intellectual freedom to come to my own conclusions.

I am incapable of judging the motives of Charles or Robert: I can only judge them by their words, just as I judge medaura on her words. I lost respect for her a long time ago and that has nothing to do with Charles or Robert. As I said in my first comment, I judge her by my interactions with her here. That’s all I can do. I don’t consider her to be a reliable source and that’s down to her and her own words.

Robert has not made me his “tool” — that’s just silly. I’m disagreeing with a position: this is not about loyalty.