
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/01/2009 1:58:20 am PDT

re: #160 iceweasel

Vegan diets are often touted as the best way to lower cholesterol. Plants have no cholesterol in them at all. Sounds great but…

A nutritionist teaching at a college I went to said that the human body can only synthesize 19% of the cholesterol it needs. The rest has to come from animal products and there’s no way around it. We have become so indoctrinated in the “cholesterol = bad” mind set because most people get way too much of it that we forget that we do actually need some of it. He might be talking out of his ass, I don’t know. Since he’s works “in the field” I’ll take his word for it until I hear otherwise from a reputable source.