
Saturday Acoustic Jam: Ewan Dobson and Zach B: Halloween 2012

Charles Johnson10/26/2013 4:57:12 pm PDT

Accoutrements Squirrel Mask

My dream has finally come true

By on October 16, 2012

I have spent my whole life wanting to be a real squirrel. Knowing deep down inside that I should have been born a squirrel. I sit for hours outside under a tree with my squirrel friends just hoping that one day I won’t feel like an outsider but truly one of them. They are kind and tell me to not take it so hard and that its ok to be different but deep down inside I know I am just a human….until now. Once I put on the mask I was no longer an outsider any more but a real squirrel. I felt for the first time in my life I wasn’t living a lie anymore. Every day trying to be something that I’m not. And after my species reassignment surgery I will be who I was meant to be, who I should have been in the first place a squirrel.