
Michele Bachmann: Too Crazy for Fox's Neil Cavuto

lawhawk6/25/2014 2:43:23 pm PDT

re: #4 Dark_Falcon

EOs have been a fixture of Executive power for the 20th Century; if anything the number of EOs has declined significantly since FDR. Obama has issued them at a lower pace than any President since Cleveland.

That’s a sign that this isn’t the problem Boehner and the rest of the crackpot GOP thinks it is. It’s about trying to further constrain Obama’s ability to circumvent a GOP that refuses to engage in actual politics - compromising and cutting deals that means no one gets 100% of what they want, but they get something.

This GOP has no interest in compromise, it’s a slash and burn all or nothing, shut down the government GOP. EOs may cut into that, but only on the margins. Even that is too much for this GOP.

But it wasn’t long ago that the GOP bristled at any Democrat attempts to even inquire into reducing the ability of GOP Presidents to issue EOs.

If there was an honest evaluation of EOs and Congress indeed saw Executive overreach, the President would likewise have reason to maintain his power - and a political question is one that the judiciary shouldn’t take up.