
Newly Released Tom Petty Home Recording: "There Goes Angela (Dream Away)"

Eclectic Cyborg8/28/2020 8:17:40 am PDT

re: #171 Hecuba’s daughter

But it’s also many small business owners and their employees who view this as a life and death struggle for their businesses — and who are willing to risk their lives to preserve their livelihoods, given the massive government failure (due to the GOP and their corruption) to provide sufficient and a continuing lifeline to support these people. The Democrats have to do more advertising to make the average voter realize that this failure is on the GOP.

IMO opinion the Democrats need to focus on THREE key issues for the campaign (The Post Office and Pandemic/Stimulus should be two of them, not sure about the third) and just beat the hell out of these issues until November.

Yes, there are other matters for Democrats to deal with and Biden and Harris can tackle them after they get elected but we’re living in a short attention span/sound bite society. That’s why you pick three things most people can easily remember (and are most affected by) and make them the centerpiece of your messaging.