
Orly Taitz: Nirther Mastermind

iceweasel6/21/2009 6:21:22 am PDT

re: #169

IW - this guy/gal not in control of the Rep. party.

No one said he/she or it is.

I think it’s a losing strategy for Republicans in general, and for their party, to engage in yelling “We know we are, but what are you?”

If the GOP and republicans want to emulate the tactics of the Dems in 2000-2004, fine.

But let’s remember the Dems lost in 2004. Yes, kerry sucked, but that isn’t the only reason no one wanted to vote Dem then.

The Dems only won when they started to get over the lost election and stopped playing neener-neener games. Cf 2006. Cf doubly 2008.