
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Gus1/05/2010 7:10:41 pm PST

re: #150 jayzee

First off, I’m usually being sarcastic and not entirely serious. That said, I am sure there are a lot of legitimate gripes against Halliburton. I wasn’t really speaking to those anymore than those legitimate gripes against ACORN. The truth is both organizations have been/are used as symbols of the GOP (Halliburton) and the Dems (ACORN).

Right. To that I would say that no, ACORN doesn’t run the Democratic Party and is not part of a shadow government. Conversely, Haliburton doesn’t run the Republican Party and is not part of a shadow government. Neither of these entities will or has contributed to the fall of the republic.