
Anti-Gay CA Republican: 'I'm Gay'

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/08/2010 1:10:04 pm PST

re: #143 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I’ve been to many gay bars, many times.

Not gay at all.

Except that you didn’t take anyone home with you.

Just so it is out there and everyone gets over it, people’s sexual attraction tends to fall on a spectrum and not as a two state system. The guy who had that thing happen once with his best friend from college that they never talk about is certainly not gay, but he is also less straight than he is comfortable admitting to himself.

It has been my experience that the people who are the least freaked out about any semantics of the discussion or the existence of the spectrum are usually the ones who are them most comfortable with where they fall on it.

Those people who really are 100% straight ( that is me, it is not an honor, just a fact) or 100% gay, tend to be very accepting of everyone else’s choices. The ones in the middle who are down with who they are and have stopped trying to claim that they need to be one or the other, are also very down with everyone else’s choices. The ones who are embarrassed by something though are the ones who squawk the loudest.