
Saturday Afternoon Open

Atlas Fails9/17/2011 7:05:01 pm PDT

If anyone ever wants a good laugh, check out some of the articles on Brietbart’s website. Here’s an especially hilarious sampling:

Glee Readies for Season of Tea Party Trashing!!!

Maybe I’m wrong. Suspending taxpayer funding of the arts sounds awfully good to me, especially if it means focusing on reading and writing. Maybe the show’s finally seen the light and won’t present that “goofy” idea as, well, goofy. But then again, I’m a right-wing, gun-owning, liberty-loving, neanderthal — so what do I know?
The larger picture here is 2012. Hollywood knows Obama can’t win on his failed record and therefore you can expect Hollywood (and the MSM) to pull out all the vicious stops to make our side unelectable. The worse Obama’s poll numbers get, the uglier all of this will get. Count on it.
It’s panic time on the Left and “Glee” summoning all their starpower, gajillions of dollars, and influence to toxify us is only the beginning.

If you want to enter a whole new level of derp, check of some of the cretins who somehow managed to turn their computers on and leave comments, like this brainiac:

Liberalism gets them young, and it has to steal other people’s children because Liberals have aborted most of their own.

Go ahead and try to argue with that airtight logic.