
Snarky Puppy Live @ Festival Django Reinhardt 2018: "Grown Folks"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/16/2019 9:05:35 am PST

re: #173 Joe Bacon šŸŒ¹

My brainwashed Jesusbot family STILL believes the birther nonsense. And now they are using the same ā€œboth parents must be native born Americansā€ Orly Taitz argument against Kamala Harris. You cannot shake that belief from them.

I hate and despise what Church has done to my family.

I just wonder what it is about some people that get their minds conned so easily. Itā€™s easy to dismiss it as a generational thing but thatā€™s a cop out imo.