
Farmers Insurance Pulls Beck Ads

Charles Johnson8/19/2009 11:14:02 am PDT

re: #165 lawhawk

Back to the original issue at hand - the nature of boycotts and how exactly this is supposed to change Beck or Fox’s programming.

It can actually harm the boycotting business more than the entity being boycotted. Who actually loses here with people pulling their ads? The businesses that were running ads there were doing so for a good reason.

Eyeballs. They got viewers to see their ads. No ads - no eyeballs, and no business being driven their way. Fox loses revenues, and Beck could lose his job, but I expect that unless all of his advertisers pull out, Fox will find others more than willing to jump at the time slots.

They aren’t going to go to his competition on CNN or MSNBC, because he’s got better ratings than them.

In a bad economy, this could be bad business for Farmers and all the rest of those businesses looking at boycotting Beck’s show. Can they afford to jump ship?

Mind you, I don’t watch Beck (except for his hilarious video breakdown over vampires). I’m solely addressing the issue of the boycott.

Apparently, Fox is not actually losing much income from this, because the advertisers haven’t pulled their ads from Fox in general, just from Beck’s show.