
Yon: A Mortar at Night

3 wood1/15/2009 10:13:45 am PST

House Democrats ready $825 billion stimulus bill
GOP offers own plan as price tag of Democrats’ package rises

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — House Democrats, with the blessing of President-elect Barack Obama, are preparing a massive $825 billion economic stimulus bill loaded with federal spending and tax cuts, a more expensive package than initially estimated that is likely to face Republican criticism.
The bill contains $550 billion in federal spending and $275 billion in tax cuts, but the numbers are subject to change. Read a summary.
Democrats are seeking to spend $90 billion on highway, transit and other public-works projects, which they say will spur job creation.
The bill also contains $102 billion aimed at helping workers find new jobs and retaining employer-provided healthcare.
It also preserves a $500-per-worker and $1,000 per working couple tax credit, a key priority of the incoming Obama administration. Read a summary of the tax provisions.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Wednesday that House committees will begin work on the stimulus bill next week. Obama and Democrats want Congress to approve a bill by mid-February.

Again, get ready for inflation.