
Poll: Should Steele Step Down?

Andopolis3/13/2009 10:01:13 am PDT

As long as Republicans keep making the abortion issue their main qualifier for candidates they will continue to lose more and more elections.

They’ve been trying to overturn Row vs. Wade for 36 years, most of which have been under Republican presidents (Ford, Reagan 2 terms, Bush, other Bush 2 terms - over 20 years, compared to Carter and Clinton 2 terms - 12 years) and have gotten nowhere.

All it does is divide the party, disqualify otherwise perfectly good candidates, and completely alienate any Dems that may be leaning to the right.

Anti-abortion efforts would be much better spent helping prevent unwanted pregnancies through education and counciling than in trying to change the laws. Treat the problem, not the symptom.

Should I put on my flame-proof suit now?