
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne1/24/2010 5:21:20 am PST

I posted a story last week about a lawsuit in Delaware against the PD for tasering a kid standing in his driveway waiting for the school bus. Now there has been another suit filed in DE for tasering a kid who was standing on the side of the road waiting for his mom to come pick him up.

They take the opportunity to fill in the story of the first kid.

In the first case they were at the wrong address and turned a police dog loose on the kid and tasered him. He didn’t hear them pull up because he was listening to his ipod.

police apparently were responding to a report of a rape but went to the wrong location. Morris did not match the description of the person police were looking for, the suit said, and when police soon realized their mistake, “their only comment to Derrick was ‘Maybe next time you’ll listen.’” Police then departed without an apology, according to the suit.

In the 2nd suit they tasered the kid while he was shackled because he refused a blood test.

….police threw him to the ground, “violently pushed his face into the asphalt” and put him in handcuffs and shackles. The suit alleges that because of the injuries from that encounter, Tylecki was taken to Beebe Medical Center to be treated.

While there, Tylecki alleges, he refused a police demand to provide a blood sample and the officer responded by administering several Taser shocks, despite the fact Tylecki was still in handcuffs and leg shackles.

Absolutely incredible.