
GOP Hostage Takers Release New Message

EPR-radar10/05/2013 2:51:49 pm PDT

re: #173 Dr Lizardo

I don’t want them to resign. That’s too easy.

I want them there in Congress. I want them shunted aside, exiled and outcasts from the GOP. I want them to ruminate everyday on their utter and wholesale failure in their risible and contemptible attempt to govern by tyranny of the minority. I want them to have them in office so that they have to face their equally cretinous constituents and explain why they are such abysmal failures. I want them to have to explain on the Sunday morning talk shows and Fox News why they are so hopelessly impotent.

That’s a far more deserving fate for them. Examples of total failure writ large.

If the mythical GOP moderates had spines, this could be accomplished trivially. By dropping the Hastert rule, Boehner can pass stuff without the Teabaggers, and can then freeze them out of everything.