
Appeals Court Upholds Tobacco Racketeering Rulings

Soona'5/24/2009 1:06:40 pm PDT

re: #127 zombie

Sorry, can’t agree with you on that. if machine guns and pistols were absolutely freely available to everyone without restrictions, then every half-hearted criminal, jihadist, psychopath, school-shooter and wannabe killer could get guns capable of mass-killing on a moment’s notice. Do we really want that?

Since the Supreme Court recently upheld that the Second Amendment applies to individuals, we’ll still have access to guns for the foreseeable future. But I agree with those laws that require background checks and waiting periods. Because I don’t want the “bad guys” to get their hands on them that easily.

I remember mail-order guns and guns in Sears catalogs and guns in hardware stores. I also remember that one hardly, if ever, heard of mass killings because of it. I attribute today’s misuse of firearms as a widespread degredation of our nations morality much more than anyone’s access to them.