
Gabrielle Giffords Launches Effort to Fight Gun Violence and the Pro-Gun Lobby

Rightwingconspirator1/08/2013 1:18:13 pm PST

re: #154 Randall Gross

Sorry none of that passes muster as good argument. See my comment about getting arrested for drunk driving in your driveway. Let’s invert your specious hypothetical, how many people do you know who have a car that has never and will never have it’s wheels on a public street?

Randall, please, the original question was about purchase. Operating in public vs operating in private matters. Of course we often operate cars a lot more than guns. I can buy a car that can triple the maximum speed limit. But we do agree capacity limits for guns are a good idea.

This is a dumb comparison anyway. Guns are so different than cars they should be regulated on their own, not by comparison to any device so unlike them. May as well compare to hot air balloons.

Added Edit
I am all for-
Background checks for all purchases. Restrictions of capacity. Restrictions for violent felons. For the mentally ill as per current law. And more.

I am against blanket bans. We can and should exempt armed security guards like Brinks, police, former police, perhaps former military officers, and certain competitions under strict rules and locations. I see no reason to deny a licensed armed guard at a gold repository a high capacity gun.

Duty calls… BRB