
New Music From Crowded House: "Some Greater Plan"

Joe Bacon ✅6/08/2024 9:08:08 am PDT

re: #100 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Most TV shows and cinema releases hold no appeal to me these days.

I guess I’m getting old.

It’s been almost 30 years since I stopped watching network TV on a regular basis. Once in a while I would watch cable for shows like The Sopranos and Mr. Show. But anymore it’s just doesn’t get me interested.

Apple keeps giving me a free peek at Apple TV but what they have I just find boring dull and repetitive.

As I’ve posted before Star Wars, Star Trek and even the revival of the Outer Limits, Doctor Who and Twilight Zone just have gone to the well too many times and are just the same plots and themes rehashed over and over again.

It’s also the reason that the Head Razz is going to pull the plug on The RAZZIES and they will come to an end in 2025. There’s nothing original or ground breaking left in movies.

Lately I’ve just started to re-read the Great Books Of The Western World and The Harvard Classics. I find them more interesting than what Hollywood recycles.