
Overnight Open Thread

Birth Control Works12/04/2011 8:19:31 am PST

re: #177 oaktree

She’s pretty much in “hospice care” mode at this point. Her hyperthyroid is under control, but there is an abdominal growth and these mammary gland tumors/abcesses cropping up. On drugs for these, but it’s a cycle of getting them cleaned by the vet along with an antibiotic shot, repeat a few months later. And she is a poor surgery candidate due to underweight (6 lb) and poor teeth so she doesn’t eat well. Given all this she doesn’t seem to be in a lot of discomfort and she gets her share of petting and cuddling.

That she bullies the older cat to raid his food dish is annoying and he puts up with it.

(The ill cat is a 13-year-old that I adopted a few years back to replace the older cat’s brother who had to be put down. I thought the older cat was misbehaving due to not having another cat around. It turns out that he essentially decided to focus on me as “fellow cat” and he essentially tolerates the other cat and minimizes interactions with her. Lap and attention time is usually one cat at a time only, or one cat snoozing to one side of me on the couch, and the other on the other side. Older cat will be turning twenty in the spring by my reckoning.)

We did the same thing with our cat. When his adopted sister passed, he was a bear to be around, so we got another kitty. He HATED the new kitty. She eventually moved-on and now he is happy being an only cat.

He enjoys taunting Damnit! Puppy.