
Terror Attack In Pakistan

DocDale3/03/2009 12:30:39 pm PST

For excellent coverage from people within the game, go here:

This is huge in its ramifications. It’s often said that the real national religion of India or Pakistan isn’t Hinduism or Islam, but cricket. The common view from cricketers and fans and not a few security experts of all backgrounds was that the Taliban/Al Qaeda would attack anything else, but leave cricket alone, such is the game’s importance throughout the British Commonwealth. This was certainly the view of Imran Khan, former Pakistan Captain and one of the greatest players to ever grace a cricket field.

Even worse, the Sri Lankans are being punished for their bravery: when other teams (including Australia) refused to tour Pakistan citing security concerns, the Sri Lankans would often go in their stead. It is staggering. It is cricket’s Munich.