
Tonight's Creationist Message from 'Sarah Palin'

Charles Johnson1/07/2010 9:04:24 pm PST

Can anyone tell what Glenn Reynolds is trying to say in his latest update?

UPDATE: Charles now updates, several days late, and says:

Reynolds updated his post again to say he does think the picture is racist, despite the appearance that he was excusing it (and I wasn’t the only one to think so). According to Glenn Reynolds, he was reacting against “cheap and bogus charges of racism.”

Except that isn’t what I said at all. I said that I thought the pic was racist, but was trying to be fair to the Democrat who sent it around when someone (Tom Maguire, hardly some white supremacist) suggested things might be otherwise. The “cheap and bogus charges of racism” bit is above. This is just as misleading as his original characterization of my post. In the past, I’ve relied on Charles’ assessments of other blogs and bloggers, and it’s now clear that was a mistake on my part.

Charles, I wish you well, but … well, I don’t really have much else I want to say right now.

All I can get from this is that he’s pissed off at me for calling him out on a very lame attempt to make excuses for a racist picture. He did write the very words he says he didn’t write, and then says he did write. But it’s “misleading” somehow? WTF? He’s not making any sense.

But since I haven’t relied on Glenn Reynolds for much of anything in quite a while, I can’t say the feeling is mutual.