
Acoustic Beauty: Daniel Padim, "Flying With White Wings"

Hecuba's daughter1/04/2021 8:25:16 am PST

re: #75 thedopefishlives

There was initial speculation that he could have violated Georgia’s election statutes by attempting to coerce Raffensperger, but the legal takes I’ve been reading this morning have been saying that Trump has to have known that he was telling Raffensperger to alter a valid count of votes, and it could be argued - based on the level of detail that Trump himself stated on the call, exact numbers, etc. - that he genuinely believes that the count stated by Georgia officials is false, which would open a defense.

Trump doesn’t believe anything; he lies about everything and has always gotten away with it. His own lawyers would not let him testify to Mueller because they knew he would lie. He doesn’t genuinely believe the voter fraud — he is just trying to get his marks to believe it. He is a con man par excellence. The longer he remains free to promulgate his lies the more danger the nation is in. I am rooting for a fatal heart attack to take him out since our legal system to date has been totally ineffective in stopping him or in persuading his cult that he has committed any crimes.